Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad
Love Eternal
Families Are Forever

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bodie Birthday

Today Bodie turned 5! We put Bodies candles on and then we put candles on for Deane. The candles we put on for Deane were the trick candles. It was funny watching Bodie blow the candles out over and over again. He couldn't figure out why they kept re-lighting? It was truly a "Jam the radar" moment. Reminded me of Deane. The card from you and dad came in the mail today! Seeing your writing and the words you wrote were very special to us all. Thanks for doing that before you passed. It was a very nice day and Bodie was in heaven, you might have seen him...
Today marked 3 months since your passing. I re-live that morning and previous night over and over in my mind. I will relive the next days over the next week. How peaceful I felt, and how peaceful your body looked. The cancer was dead in your body, your skin took on color again, your blood vessels were not looking like they were going to jump out our your skin, your face looked at ease, and yet it was just an empty shell. But you were there. I felt you kind of go in and out of our presence, almost like you were checking things out all around your new surroundings. The Mormom Tab was playing on the CD player, but it was as if the Heavenly Angels were praising you and all you had done. I can't really explain it. But peace you did leave us. I still feel that peace, I feel missing you too, but I feel at peace. I know you are there for me and the family. I felt you so strongly at the track meet, on Mothers Day, last night as I said my prayers. Thank you for letting me feel. What a kind Heavenly Father we have that will allow us to feel peace and love when we need it. What comfort and peace it is to know that this is just a small part of the plan. What a Plan. This separation is only but a moment in eternity, on a Heavenly scale, we will be re-untied in moments. I am glad you are there building a case for me. I mean well!

I love you and miss you, but am so thankful you are there with out any pain and with out any cancer. Take care of Deans, as I know you will. Wish him a Happy Birthday for me, please. Tell him I love him, let him know I am sorry for not being a better brother and not being there in those last moments of his life. How lonely he must have been, how sad he must have felt. This day, May 24th, is his day (of course it is Bodies Day too), let him know we celebrate his birth, life, and his smile.

Thanks again for everything you have ever done and will ever do for me, my family, and our family...


1 comment:

  1. You have a great way with words Tony. I love reading your thoughts. I hope you are doing alright. Remember I'm always here for you too. And way to use trick candles. Not too nice. :)
